Sunday, September 20, 2009

Reli On temple touch thermometer. A review and a giveaway!

The time has come for those nasty seasonal colds and flu bugs. I can personally attest to this as my entire household has passed around a nasty respiratory virus and stomach flu! Though I hate being sick and I hate my angel daughter being sick even moreso the chance at this review could not have come at a better time. Before I share my thoughts on the ReliOn Temple Touch Thermometer here is a little about the product from the ReliOn website :

Taking your child’s temperature is now easy and convenient with the ReliOn Temple Touch thermometer. Simply touch the thermometer to your child’s temple area and get a clinically accurate result in 6 seconds. Totally non invasive and gentle, it can be used even while your child is asleep.

The ReliOn Temple Thermometer utilizes R.A.T.E. Technology that measures the heat radiating from the body and produces a clinically accurate measurement of the core body temperature. Unlike other forehead-type thermometers, the ReliOn Temple Touch Thermometer is unaffected by local ambient conditions, resulting in more accurate readings

I was able to use this thermometer several times on myself and on my 3 year old daughter. When I received the product I was eager to try it and was annoying the heck out of everyone around me just randomly placing this device to their temples before anyone was even sick. I quickly realized how easy it was to use. All you do is place the thermometer to the childs temple and VOILA!

When my daughter came down with the flu bug being passed around this came in handy as she was running a constant fever and sleeping tons bc of not feeling well. Although the product is quick and easy I came to realize that the readings on the thermometer varied quite a bit with each use. I was getting readings that differed as much as 2 degrees when I was using it. I quickly realized that you must be VERY precise on the location you are taking the temperature and be sure you are following the directions to a T.

In the long run I think that for the price this product is a great buy and can be very helpful when used correctly. You can purchase the ReliOn temple thermometer at your local Walmart or SamsClub.

I do have one temple touch thermometer to giveaway to one lucky reader!
This contest will run through October 10th and the winner will be announced on October 11th.
*Please post all entries in a seperate comment*
1) Blog about this giveaway. Post a comment here with a link to your post.
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3) You may gain one entry daily by tweeting this message
Enter to win a Reli On temple touch thermometer from @heatherstl90

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Best of luck!


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