And then parking pal came into my life. These brightly colored fun magnets are such a great tool for keeping your kiddo safe. And they come in alot of fun designs. What I really loved about it is that it is FUN for Sophie,Like a game. After the infamous Kmart incident I started making her put her hand on the back tire( haha, I know, right? ) But when I saw the parking pal I KNEW she'd love it. Sophie was diagnosed with Autism and has poor auditory processing so when she runs off she has a hard time hearing me call her bc she is to caught up in what is going on. To make up for her auditory she has amazing visual processing. SO. She L.O.V.E.S her pal. LOL She always asks me to take it off the car so she can hold it while we drive. Here are a couple of pictures of Sophie with her pal

I have one ABC print parking pal up for grabs, here's how you can win:
*Please submit each entry in a separate comment.
For your first entry,Tell me one tip on how you practice safety with your child.
After you have successfully done the first entry You can earn ONE daily entry until the Sept 16th. Just come back and post a comment. it can be anything IE "Just checking in for my daily entry!"
This contest ends Sept. 16 @ 11:59pm CST
Winner will be selected using on Sept 17
Vote for this contest here!

My oldest used to do the same thing! I swear all my gray hairs are just from her alone! I made her sit in the cart until she outgew it and then it was holding onto the cart! I am hoping my youngest won't be as energetic as her big sister HA HA... wishful thinking!
My son did that once..he was about 5 feet away from getting hit! Also, when I was 9 months pregnant he ran out into the middle of a huge busy street, it was probably a very interesting site to see a pregnant lady running after her son. I would absolutely love one of these because as of right now all I do his hold my son's hand and do not let go, even to put his sister in the car...I always have his hand, or if I have a cart, he stays in there until I can put him in the car!
We practice safety every day on the way to school. We stop at the corner, look for cars, hold hands and WALK across the street.
my kids are really bad with darting out into traffic! i am constantly on them about cars driving by and they may not see them, and they could get hit and get very badly hurt. my oldest is getting better, but my middle child, dear lord, she just wont listen. i think this would be a great thing for her!
my kids are pretty good- because there are so many they watch eachother but I would love to get this for the grandma for my kids when visiting and also the nieces so they are reminded
My 3 year old has darted away in the parking lot as well. One day a car was backing out and Mason was running toward it! the car didn't stop until my son put his hand on the car to stop himself from running!! I thought I was going to die!! I cried the whole way home shaking. Now, if I can't hold his hand he is to put his hand in my pocket to stay close.
Bridgett, Queen Creek
i try to get the older child to remember the numbers 9-1-1 for emergencies
i really think this is a neat idea to teach kids to not run away from mommy and into traffic. ppl just dont watch where they are going these days.
Before we leave the porch of my home, Lily must be holding my hand b/c we live on a 35mph street.
my kids do not cross the road without me helping them watch for cars. and they must hold each other's hands while NO running!
In the grocery store, so that the kids don't get lost, we have them hold the front of the cart if they aren't going to ride in the cart.
I tell my toddler to 'hold mommy's leg' if I'm loading/unloading stuff and I can't hold her hand - it's too sweet, she grips on to my leg for dear life! Then, when we're walking, I hold her hand tightly and if she tries to wrench her hand away and run off, I screech like a banshee! There are times when attempts to reason just don't cut it . . .
i carry both of my girls wherever we need to go if it's a dangerous least until they're old enough to understand a little better (they're 14 mo)
yesterday was the perfect example. i was running around taking one kid to the dr and then we went to the pharmacy to get her meds. when we were walking out, she didnt even look and just darted out into the middle of the parking lot! i screamed at her that she needs to look before she crosses because cars wont stop! ugh
From when they're very little, we practice "Hand!" and they hold my hand. We live in a big city, so very very early on, they're aware of safe places to walk. Parking lots outside of the city ALWAYS present a challenge, though.
My little girl knows she has to hang onto my purse strap at ALL times. I can feel that pressure of her holding it so if she ever lets go which is rare I know immediately.
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